The name of this club shall be “The English Springer Spaniel Club Of Canada” hereinafter
referred to as the “Club”.
The Club shall work in cooperation with the Canadian Kennel Club and may further affiliate
itself with organizations devoted to the aims and objectives of the Club, and such affiliation
to be approved by the Club in a Standing Resolution to be attached to the By-Laws here
The objectives of the Club shall be the promotion and improvement of the English Springer
Spaniel by:
• Educating members and the public at large to the benefits of purebred English
Springer Spaniels.
• Holding dog shows for competition and public interest.
• Holding and promoting various performance events that show the versatility of the
breed, including but not limited to: obedience, tracking, agility and working/hunt tests.
• To encourage and promote the well-being of the English Springer Spaniel, and to
preserve its integrity and purity.
• To encourage a positive relationship among members.
The area of operation of the Club shall be the country of Canada.
Amendments to the Constitution and By-Laws may be moved by any
member, by submitting in writing, the proposed amendments to the secretary. Proposed
amendments must show significant support by having the signatures of six Regular Voting
Members attached. The secretary will then bring the proposed amendments to the
Board of Directors for consideration. Proposed amendments will then be submitted to the
members, along with the comments from the Board of Directors, for consideration and
voting. The proposed amendments to the Constitution and By-Laws will be adopted by a
two-thirds majority of returned ballots of eligible voting members.
Article 1 - Membership
1.1 Regular Voting Member - Any person who meets the following five requirements:
• Is 18 years or older.
• Has been a member of the club for at least one year.
• Has abided by the clubs Constitution, By-laws and Code of Ethics.
• Is a resident of Canada.
• Is eligible for membership in the Canadian Kennel Club.
1.2 Regular Non-Voting Member:
• A newly joined member of the club in their first year of membership, who is 18
years or older, a resident of Canada and is eligible for membership in the CKC.
(A newly joined member cannot sponsor new members).
• A non-resident of Canada.
• A regular voting member who has allowed their membership to lapse according to
article 1, 1.10, will be deemed a Non-Voting member for a period of 6 months
following renewal.
1.3 Family Membership
• Consists of two adult individuals and any children in the same household under the 18.
• Shall be entitled to two votes once the requirements of Regular Voting membership
status has been met by each person.
• An individual in a Family Membership may change to a Regular Voting member
providing they are eligible as stated above. A membership renewal form and
corresponding fee must be submitted. Years spent under a Family Membership will
apply to a Regular Voting Membership.
1.4 Junior Membership - any person under 18 years who wishes to have an individual
membership. This membership has no voting privileges.
1.5 Guest Membership – a complimentary, non-voting membership that may be offered by
a club member to anyone interested in finding out more about the Club. Valid for 6
months. For complete details of requirements and restrictions, refer to the Guest
membership form.
1.6 Life Member - shall be a member who has been a Regular Voting Member in good
standing for 20 consecutive years.
1.7 Founding Members - shall be identified as Steve and Kelly Dainard, Wendy
Bessemer, Ilsa Allen, Gail Chapman, Bertie Nielson, Tannis Browning, Sue Wood,
Pierre Dupras and Barbara Orr. These members will not receive any special rights or
1.8 Candidates for membership may be recommended by two members in good standing
or by making application to the executive. Candidates must fully comply with the
Club's Constitution, By-Laws and Code of Ethics. Failure to do so will result in refusal
of Regular Voting Membership status or possible termination of membership in the
Club as per Article 1, 1.11.
1.9 New Candidates may be accepted to membership at any time with an affirmative
vote of 2/3 of the Executive and the corresponding Regional Director. Acceptance
date of application to be the start date of membership.
1.10 Conditions of Membership
• Annual membership fees shall be as determined by the Executive.
• Membership fees shall be due on January 1st each year for the ensuing year. The
Treasurer shall send a reminder to all members by January 31. If fees are not paid
by March 1st, the membership shall be deemed to have lapsed.
• New memberships up to and including the month of September shall pay a full year's
membership fee. Those joining after October 1st will pay a full year's fees, such fees to
run to December 31st of the following year.
• By submitting a signed application/renewal form and paying the annual fee in
subsequent years, members agree to abide by the Club's Constitution, By-Laws and
Code of Ethics.
• Any member who wishes to resign must give written notice to the Secretary. Any
member who shall cease to belong to the Club shall not be reimbursed for any part
of the membership fee for the current year.
1.11 Membership Termination may result from:
• Failure to pay annual fees.
• Any member of the ESSCC or candidate for membership who is suspended, debarred,
deprived, expelled, or whose membership has been terminated by the CKC's
Discipline Committee, shall be suspended from the privileges of the ESSCC for a like
• The Board of Directors shall have the power to expel any member whose conduct shall
have been determined by the Board to be improper, unbecoming or likely to endanger
the interest or reputation of the Club or who willfully commits a breach of the
Constitution, By-Laws or Code of Ethics. No member shall be expelled without having
first been given the opportunity to be heard by the Directors. At least six members of
the Board of Directors must participate in the hearing with a 2/3 majority vote of those
present determining the action to be taken.
1.12 Protocol for dealing with complaints against a member
• Any club member(s) may bring a complaint against another member for an alleged
breach of the ESSCC By-Laws or Code of Ethics. A written complaint containing full
details and accompanied by a $100.00 deposit must be sent to the club secretary . The
deposit is intended to deter vexatious and/or frivolous complaints and shall be forfeited
if the defendant is exonerated at a hearing convened by the Board of Directors.
• Upon receiving the complaint, the secretary will forward a copy of the complaint to the
defendant, the complainant and each member of the Board of Directors within 15 days,
along with a notice of hearing.
• The hearing date shall be set within 45 days of the date of receipt of the complaint.
The date and time of the hearing to be mutually agreed upon by the defendant,
complainant and the members of the Board. Failure of the defendant or complainant
to participate will not negate the hearing.
• The Board of Directors must ensure that both the complainant and the defendant are
treated fairly and in accordance with the rules of natural justice. After all evidence and
testimony has been presented and the hearing adjourned, the Board members will
determine the validity of the complaint. If the complaint is upheld, the Board may by a
2/3 majority vote (of members present at the hearing), take appropriate action, up to
and including termination of membership in the club. In rendering their decision, the
Board shall consider any previous action(s) taken. The Secretary shall then notify all
participants, within 15 days, of the decision.
Article 2 - Organization
2.1 The Executive: The Executive of the Club shall be the President, Vice-President,
Secretary, Treasurer (each of whom is elected for a two year term) and the Past
President. Each will have voting privileges at Executive meetings provided they are
present to vote.
2.2 Regional Directors: Any region with 3 or more members may elect its own Regional
Director. Regions to be British Columbia/Yukon, Alberta/NWT, Prairies,
(Saskatchewan,Manitoba), Ontario, Quebec/Nunavut and the Atlantic provinces.
2.3 The Board of Directors of the Club shall consist of the Executive and the Regional
Directors. The Board of Directors, individually or collectively, will not be held
personally or financially responsible for the actions of any member of the club.
2.4 Club Property
Club name – the Executive must approve, by majority vote, all activities done in the
name of the English Springer Spaniel Club of Canada or ESSCC. These activities
include, but are not limited to: boosters, matches, tests, trials, fund-raising initiatives,
promotions and educational seminars.
Club Logo - The official club logo shall be the only logo to appear on all Club
documents. Its use on any other material must be approved by the executive.
Club Membership List – The membership list should be used judiciously. For
example, when it is necessary to contact club members with important items from the
executive, for polling or voting, or the sharing of information regarding the National
Specialty or similar events. It should not be shared with other organizations for any
purpose or used as a general forum, or for sharing personal opinions. Social media is
available for these purposes.
2.5 Committees
• All Committees are subject to the authority of the Board of Directors.
• The President is an ex-officio member of all committees.
• The Executive may establish committees as needed to serve the functions of the club.
• A committee may be terminated by the executive upon determination that the purpose
for which the committee was formed has been fulfilled, or the inability of the
committee to fulfill the desired objectives.
• any committee appointment may be terminated by a majority vote of the executive
upon written notice being sent to the appointee. The executive may appoint a
successor to the person whose services have been discharged.
• Terms of Reference shall be created for all committees stating but not limited to the
following information:
- the objectives for which the committee is being formed
- time-lines for submitting reports and completing the project
- pre-approval is needed for any financial remuneration
- conditions under which the committee will be discharged
- conditions under which the membership list may be used
• A review of all committees should be undertaken in the year following the election of
club officials.
2.6 The Standing Committees of the club shall be those named to deal with the newsletter
and website.
2.7 Duties of Officers
2.7.1 President
• Is responsible for seeing that the business of the Club is transacted in a proper order.
• Shall be Chairperson at all Club meetings.
• A non-voting member of all Club committees.
• Shall oversee the exchange of information between the outgoing and incoming officers.
2.7.2 Vice-President
• Shall act as President in the event that the President is unable to fulfill his/her duties.
• Shall act as liaison between the Standing Committees and the Executive.
• Shall oversee applications for membership/guest memberships and after consultation
with the appropriate Regional Director, will present applicants to the Executive for
• Will ensure that new/guest members have access to the website, newsletter and any
other forms of communication employed by the club.
• Shall endeavor to ensure new members feel welcome and included in club activitie
• Shall liaise with the Regional Directors.
2.7.3 Secretary
• Shall send out notices of all meetings, at least two weeks prior to the date of the
• Conduct all correspondence.
• Record and send the minutes of all meetings to club members.
• Have responsibility and care of all non-financial Club records.
2.7.4 Treasurer
• Shall be responsible for the collection of annual and new membership dues.
• Shall send to the appropriate Regional Director a list of members who are in arrears.
• Shall collect all Club funds.
• Shall maintain a Club bank account upon which all cheques issued must bear the
signature of the Treasurer with one other signature being the President, Vice-President
or the Secretary.
• Shall maintain an accurate record of all receipts and disbursements, which will be
available for inspection by the Executive at all times.
• Shall pay all bills, at the discretion of the Executive, and keep a voucher for each
• Shall give a report at each meeting or as directed.
• Shall present a proper financial statement at each year end and shall prepare the
books for an audit at the end of their term of office.
• Shall maintain a current membership list.
2.7.5 Immediate Past President
Shall provide continuity and be a resource to the incoming Executive.
2.7.6 Regional Directors
• Together with the Executive Officers shall constitute the Board of Directors of the Club.
• As may be required, they will provide advice and direction to the Executive and
participate in decision-making that affects the on-going success of the club.
• They shall assist with the organization of Club activities.
• Encourage the involvement of all members.
• Welcome new members in their region.
• Shall submit an annual report to the Executive.
Article 3 – Nominations and Elections
Candidates running for Election to the Executive must be regular voting members as
well as CKC members in good standing.
3.1 Nominations/Election Committee:
• The committee shall consist of an Election Officer and a minimum number of
committee members as required to get the nominations and elections completed in
the time period set out in 3.2 and 3.3.
• The Election Officer shall be the Past President unless he/she is unable to fulfill this
role in which case a resigning board member not standing for re-election or another
competent club member will be appointed by the Executive.
3.2 Nominations
• Eligibility: Regular Voting Members as defined in Article 1, 1.1.
• Only one member per family or household will be allowed to stand for nomination.
• The Nominating Committee shall send to the General Membership, a request for
nominations by September 1st of the election year. The committee may also make
nominations. All nominations must be received by October 15th of the election year.
3.3 Voting
• Voting shall be conducted by mail and/or electronic ballot.
• Ballots shall be sent to all eligible members by November 1st of the election year.
• All ballots must be returned/postdated no later than December 1st of the election year.
Any member wishing a paper ballot must request one from the election officer.
• A recognized voting service will be used for all electronic ballots. (ie Survey Monkey)
Tabulation will be witnessed by a CKC member in good standing who is not a Club
member and to whom all paper ballots will be sent.
• Votes for Regional Directors will be limited to members residing within the geographic
region where the Director is to serve.
• Exceptions to these time lines may be made by the Executive in cases of postal
• Should any position not be filled by ballot, the Board of Directors, by majority
agreement, may appoint a suitable candidate to the position.
3.4 Tenure
• All elected positions will be held for a term of two (2) consecutive years.
• No person shall hold an elected position on the Executive for more than two(2)
consecutive terms (excluding the Past president).
• The Past President may not stand for election to the executive for a period of two(2)
years after relinquishing this position.
• If the Presidency is vacated during the term of office, the Vice-President will assume
that position for the remainder of the term. The Board of Directors will appoint a
suitable representative for any other office that is vacated. This individual will hold the
position until the next election year.
• It is preferred but not necessary to have equal representation from western and
eastern Canada.
Article 4 - Meetings
The types of meetings are: Executive, AGM and Special.
4.1 Executive Meetings
• Shall occur as needed throughout the year (at least three is recommended).
• The meeting should be done as cost effectively as possible.
4.2 Annual General Meeting
• Shall generally be held in conjunction with the National Specialty.
• For the above meeting types, the date and agenda will be sent to the Regional
Directors at least 7 days ahead of the meeting to allow the Regional Directors to
bring forward any business resulting from their region.
• Any motions introduced from the floor at an AGM that receive a majority vote will be
brought forward to the next Executive meeting for discussion. The motion(s) will either
be tabled pending further discussion and action or sent to the membership for voting.
• Once approved the minutes will be distributed to the general membership by e-mail
and by publication in the newsletter.
4.3 Special Meetings
• The executive may call a Special meeting at any time.
• The members may call a Special meeting at any time by six members giving notice
to the full membership. A Chairperson and Secretary will be appointed, and minutes
taken. Any motions made that receive a 2/3 majority vote will be sent to the executive
for consideration and action.
Article 5 – Finance
5.1 The Financial Year of the Club shall commence on the 1st day of January and shall
conclude on the 31st day of December.
5.2 Banking: The funds of the Club shall be placed in a branch of any Canadian Chartered
Bank and administered by the Treasurer.
5.3 All cheques issued by the Club shall require the signature of the Treasurer and one
other officer (President, Vice-President, Secretary).
5.4 Donations to any outside organization, cause or any expense outside of the normal
operating budget exceeding $250.00 must be approved by the membership. The 2/3
majority vote rule will apply.
5.5 Should this Club remain inactive for a period of five years, or should its members
decide to dissolve the Club, all assets will be converted to cash and transferred by way
of a certified cheque to an agreed upon charity which has been proposed to the
membership and voted on with the majority ruling.
5.6 No officer or member of the Club shall receive any financial remuneration for his/her
service to the club.
5.7 Any expenses incurred by a club member for club purposes that have been approved
by the Executive will be reimbursed upon submission of a written request accompanied
by a receipt.
5.8 All committees will present to the Treasurer a budget for the current year. Only upon
written request will monies over the budgeted amount be released to a committee and
only after approval from the Executive.
Article 6 – Procedures
All meetings of the Club and its bodies, and all other matters of practice and procedures
not otherwise herein specified shall be governed by the Common Law Procedure of
Canada Robert's Rules of Order, current edition.
Code of Ethics
1 The breed standard approved by the Canadian Kennel Club will be the only
standard of excellence by which the English Springer Spaniel shall be judged.
2 No membership will be considered valid unless a signed membership/renewal
application is on file. It is the responsibility of each member to ensure that the
Treasurer receives a signed membership renewal form annually.
3 Member Conduct
Members of the ESSCC shall refrain from conduct that is prejudicial to the
best interests of the Club, its members or the English Springer Spaniel breed.
This includes but is not limited to, making unjustified derogatory comments,
direct or implied, about: a) The Club; b) An Official of the Club; c) another
Member or their dogs.
4 Breeding
• As the Canadian Kennel Club provides official recognition of the English Springer
Spaniel Club of Canada, the “ Code of Practices for Canadian Kennel Club Member
Breeders “ set forth by the CKC shall be the Breeder Code of Practice governing all
ESSCC members regardless of CKC membership. The complete document can be
sourced on the CKC website at:, under the heading “Breeding Dogs”.
• Members shall be discriminating in the sales of puppies and adult dogs, and also
concerned with the type of home in which they are placed. Therefore, no animal
shall be donated for raffles or giveaways, auctioned, sold or consigned to pet
stores or animal brokers, and no animal shall be sold at swap meets or flea markets.
• Members will make their best efforts to help any dog of their breeding for which a
new home must be found. Any dog needing a new home due to the owners inability
to care for said animal deserves our help whether on an individual basis or by referring
to associated Breed Clubs or rescue organizations who provide such services.
5 Revisions to the Code of Ethics may be moved by any member, by submitting the
proposed amendments to the secretary in writing. Proposed amendments must show
significant support by having the signatures of six(6) Regular Voting Members
attached. The secretary will then bring the proposed amendments to the Board of
Directors for consideration. Proposed amendments will then be submitted to the
members, along with the comments from the Board of Directors for consideration
and voting. The proposed amendments will be adopted by a two-thirds majority of
returned ballots of eligible voting members.
The name of this club shall be “The English Springer Spaniel Club Of Canada” hereinafter
referred to as the “Club”.
The Club shall work in cooperation with the Canadian Kennel Club and may further affiliate
itself with organizations devoted to the aims and objectives of the Club, and such affiliation
to be approved by the Club in a Standing Resolution to be attached to the By-Laws here
The objectives of the Club shall be the promotion and improvement of the English Springer
Spaniel by:
• Educating members and the public at large to the benefits of purebred English
Springer Spaniels.
• Holding dog shows for competition and public interest.
• Holding and promoting various performance events that show the versatility of the
breed, including but not limited to: obedience, tracking, agility and working/hunt tests.
• To encourage and promote the well-being of the English Springer Spaniel, and to
preserve its integrity and purity.
• To encourage a positive relationship among members.
The area of operation of the Club shall be the country of Canada.
Amendments to the Constitution and By-Laws may be moved by any
member, by submitting in writing, the proposed amendments to the secretary. Proposed
amendments must show significant support by having the signatures of six Regular Voting
Members attached. The secretary will then bring the proposed amendments to the
Board of Directors for consideration. Proposed amendments will then be submitted to the
members, along with the comments from the Board of Directors, for consideration and
voting. The proposed amendments to the Constitution and By-Laws will be adopted by a
two-thirds majority of returned ballots of eligible voting members.
Article 1 - Membership
1.1 Regular Voting Member - Any person who meets the following five requirements:
• Is 18 years or older.
• Has been a member of the club for at least one year.
• Has abided by the clubs Constitution, By-laws and Code of Ethics.
• Is a resident of Canada.
• Is eligible for membership in the Canadian Kennel Club.
1.2 Regular Non-Voting Member:
• A newly joined member of the club in their first year of membership, who is 18
years or older, a resident of Canada and is eligible for membership in the CKC.
(A newly joined member cannot sponsor new members).
• A non-resident of Canada.
• A regular voting member who has allowed their membership to lapse according to
article 1, 1.10, will be deemed a Non-Voting member for a period of 6 months
following renewal.
1.3 Family Membership
• Consists of two adult individuals and any children in the same household under the 18.
• Shall be entitled to two votes once the requirements of Regular Voting membership
status has been met by each person.
• An individual in a Family Membership may change to a Regular Voting member
providing they are eligible as stated above. A membership renewal form and
corresponding fee must be submitted. Years spent under a Family Membership will
apply to a Regular Voting Membership.
1.4 Junior Membership - any person under 18 years who wishes to have an individual
membership. This membership has no voting privileges.
1.5 Guest Membership – a complimentary, non-voting membership that may be offered by
a club member to anyone interested in finding out more about the Club. Valid for 6
months. For complete details of requirements and restrictions, refer to the Guest
membership form.
1.6 Life Member - shall be a member who has been a Regular Voting Member in good
standing for 20 consecutive years.
1.7 Founding Members - shall be identified as Steve and Kelly Dainard, Wendy
Bessemer, Ilsa Allen, Gail Chapman, Bertie Nielson, Tannis Browning, Sue Wood,
Pierre Dupras and Barbara Orr. These members will not receive any special rights or
1.8 Candidates for membership may be recommended by two members in good standing
or by making application to the executive. Candidates must fully comply with the
Club's Constitution, By-Laws and Code of Ethics. Failure to do so will result in refusal
of Regular Voting Membership status or possible termination of membership in the
Club as per Article 1, 1.11.
1.9 New Candidates may be accepted to membership at any time with an affirmative
vote of 2/3 of the Executive and the corresponding Regional Director. Acceptance
date of application to be the start date of membership.
1.10 Conditions of Membership
• Annual membership fees shall be as determined by the Executive.
• Membership fees shall be due on January 1st each year for the ensuing year. The
Treasurer shall send a reminder to all members by January 31. If fees are not paid
by March 1st, the membership shall be deemed to have lapsed.
• New memberships up to and including the month of September shall pay a full year's
membership fee. Those joining after October 1st will pay a full year's fees, such fees to
run to December 31st of the following year.
• By submitting a signed application/renewal form and paying the annual fee in
subsequent years, members agree to abide by the Club's Constitution, By-Laws and
Code of Ethics.
• Any member who wishes to resign must give written notice to the Secretary. Any
member who shall cease to belong to the Club shall not be reimbursed for any part
of the membership fee for the current year.
1.11 Membership Termination may result from:
• Failure to pay annual fees.
• Any member of the ESSCC or candidate for membership who is suspended, debarred,
deprived, expelled, or whose membership has been terminated by the CKC's
Discipline Committee, shall be suspended from the privileges of the ESSCC for a like
• The Board of Directors shall have the power to expel any member whose conduct shall
have been determined by the Board to be improper, unbecoming or likely to endanger
the interest or reputation of the Club or who willfully commits a breach of the
Constitution, By-Laws or Code of Ethics. No member shall be expelled without having
first been given the opportunity to be heard by the Directors. At least six members of
the Board of Directors must participate in the hearing with a 2/3 majority vote of those
present determining the action to be taken.
1.12 Protocol for dealing with complaints against a member
• Any club member(s) may bring a complaint against another member for an alleged
breach of the ESSCC By-Laws or Code of Ethics. A written complaint containing full
details and accompanied by a $100.00 deposit must be sent to the club secretary . The
deposit is intended to deter vexatious and/or frivolous complaints and shall be forfeited
if the defendant is exonerated at a hearing convened by the Board of Directors.
• Upon receiving the complaint, the secretary will forward a copy of the complaint to the
defendant, the complainant and each member of the Board of Directors within 15 days,
along with a notice of hearing.
• The hearing date shall be set within 45 days of the date of receipt of the complaint.
The date and time of the hearing to be mutually agreed upon by the defendant,
complainant and the members of the Board. Failure of the defendant or complainant
to participate will not negate the hearing.
• The Board of Directors must ensure that both the complainant and the defendant are
treated fairly and in accordance with the rules of natural justice. After all evidence and
testimony has been presented and the hearing adjourned, the Board members will
determine the validity of the complaint. If the complaint is upheld, the Board may by a
2/3 majority vote (of members present at the hearing), take appropriate action, up to
and including termination of membership in the club. In rendering their decision, the
Board shall consider any previous action(s) taken. The Secretary shall then notify all
participants, within 15 days, of the decision.
Article 2 - Organization
2.1 The Executive: The Executive of the Club shall be the President, Vice-President,
Secretary, Treasurer (each of whom is elected for a two year term) and the Past
President. Each will have voting privileges at Executive meetings provided they are
present to vote.
2.2 Regional Directors: Any region with 3 or more members may elect its own Regional
Director. Regions to be British Columbia/Yukon, Alberta/NWT, Prairies,
(Saskatchewan,Manitoba), Ontario, Quebec/Nunavut and the Atlantic provinces.
2.3 The Board of Directors of the Club shall consist of the Executive and the Regional
Directors. The Board of Directors, individually or collectively, will not be held
personally or financially responsible for the actions of any member of the club.
2.4 Club Property
Club name – the Executive must approve, by majority vote, all activities done in the
name of the English Springer Spaniel Club of Canada or ESSCC. These activities
include, but are not limited to: boosters, matches, tests, trials, fund-raising initiatives,
promotions and educational seminars.
Club Logo - The official club logo shall be the only logo to appear on all Club
documents. Its use on any other material must be approved by the executive.
Club Membership List – The membership list should be used judiciously. For
example, when it is necessary to contact club members with important items from the
executive, for polling or voting, or the sharing of information regarding the National
Specialty or similar events. It should not be shared with other organizations for any
purpose or used as a general forum, or for sharing personal opinions. Social media is
available for these purposes.
2.5 Committees
• All Committees are subject to the authority of the Board of Directors.
• The President is an ex-officio member of all committees.
• The Executive may establish committees as needed to serve the functions of the club.
• A committee may be terminated by the executive upon determination that the purpose
for which the committee was formed has been fulfilled, or the inability of the
committee to fulfill the desired objectives.
• any committee appointment may be terminated by a majority vote of the executive
upon written notice being sent to the appointee. The executive may appoint a
successor to the person whose services have been discharged.
• Terms of Reference shall be created for all committees stating but not limited to the
following information:
- the objectives for which the committee is being formed
- time-lines for submitting reports and completing the project
- pre-approval is needed for any financial remuneration
- conditions under which the committee will be discharged
- conditions under which the membership list may be used
• A review of all committees should be undertaken in the year following the election of
club officials.
2.6 The Standing Committees of the club shall be those named to deal with the newsletter
and website.
2.7 Duties of Officers
2.7.1 President
• Is responsible for seeing that the business of the Club is transacted in a proper order.
• Shall be Chairperson at all Club meetings.
• A non-voting member of all Club committees.
• Shall oversee the exchange of information between the outgoing and incoming officers.
2.7.2 Vice-President
• Shall act as President in the event that the President is unable to fulfill his/her duties.
• Shall act as liaison between the Standing Committees and the Executive.
• Shall oversee applications for membership/guest memberships and after consultation
with the appropriate Regional Director, will present applicants to the Executive for
• Will ensure that new/guest members have access to the website, newsletter and any
other forms of communication employed by the club.
• Shall endeavor to ensure new members feel welcome and included in club activitie
• Shall liaise with the Regional Directors.
2.7.3 Secretary
• Shall send out notices of all meetings, at least two weeks prior to the date of the
• Conduct all correspondence.
• Record and send the minutes of all meetings to club members.
• Have responsibility and care of all non-financial Club records.
2.7.4 Treasurer
• Shall be responsible for the collection of annual and new membership dues.
• Shall send to the appropriate Regional Director a list of members who are in arrears.
• Shall collect all Club funds.
• Shall maintain a Club bank account upon which all cheques issued must bear the
signature of the Treasurer with one other signature being the President, Vice-President
or the Secretary.
• Shall maintain an accurate record of all receipts and disbursements, which will be
available for inspection by the Executive at all times.
• Shall pay all bills, at the discretion of the Executive, and keep a voucher for each
• Shall give a report at each meeting or as directed.
• Shall present a proper financial statement at each year end and shall prepare the
books for an audit at the end of their term of office.
• Shall maintain a current membership list.
2.7.5 Immediate Past President
Shall provide continuity and be a resource to the incoming Executive.
2.7.6 Regional Directors
• Together with the Executive Officers shall constitute the Board of Directors of the Club.
• As may be required, they will provide advice and direction to the Executive and
participate in decision-making that affects the on-going success of the club.
• They shall assist with the organization of Club activities.
• Encourage the involvement of all members.
• Welcome new members in their region.
• Shall submit an annual report to the Executive.
Article 3 – Nominations and Elections
Candidates running for Election to the Executive must be regular voting members as
well as CKC members in good standing.
3.1 Nominations/Election Committee:
• The committee shall consist of an Election Officer and a minimum number of
committee members as required to get the nominations and elections completed in
the time period set out in 3.2 and 3.3.
• The Election Officer shall be the Past President unless he/she is unable to fulfill this
role in which case a resigning board member not standing for re-election or another
competent club member will be appointed by the Executive.
3.2 Nominations
• Eligibility: Regular Voting Members as defined in Article 1, 1.1.
• Only one member per family or household will be allowed to stand for nomination.
• The Nominating Committee shall send to the General Membership, a request for
nominations by September 1st of the election year. The committee may also make
nominations. All nominations must be received by October 15th of the election year.
3.3 Voting
• Voting shall be conducted by mail and/or electronic ballot.
• Ballots shall be sent to all eligible members by November 1st of the election year.
• All ballots must be returned/postdated no later than December 1st of the election year.
Any member wishing a paper ballot must request one from the election officer.
• A recognized voting service will be used for all electronic ballots. (ie Survey Monkey)
Tabulation will be witnessed by a CKC member in good standing who is not a Club
member and to whom all paper ballots will be sent.
• Votes for Regional Directors will be limited to members residing within the geographic
region where the Director is to serve.
• Exceptions to these time lines may be made by the Executive in cases of postal
• Should any position not be filled by ballot, the Board of Directors, by majority
agreement, may appoint a suitable candidate to the position.
3.4 Tenure
• All elected positions will be held for a term of two (2) consecutive years.
• No person shall hold an elected position on the Executive for more than two(2)
consecutive terms (excluding the Past president).
• The Past President may not stand for election to the executive for a period of two(2)
years after relinquishing this position.
• If the Presidency is vacated during the term of office, the Vice-President will assume
that position for the remainder of the term. The Board of Directors will appoint a
suitable representative for any other office that is vacated. This individual will hold the
position until the next election year.
• It is preferred but not necessary to have equal representation from western and
eastern Canada.
Article 4 - Meetings
The types of meetings are: Executive, AGM and Special.
4.1 Executive Meetings
• Shall occur as needed throughout the year (at least three is recommended).
• The meeting should be done as cost effectively as possible.
4.2 Annual General Meeting
• Shall generally be held in conjunction with the National Specialty.
• For the above meeting types, the date and agenda will be sent to the Regional
Directors at least 7 days ahead of the meeting to allow the Regional Directors to
bring forward any business resulting from their region.
• Any motions introduced from the floor at an AGM that receive a majority vote will be
brought forward to the next Executive meeting for discussion. The motion(s) will either
be tabled pending further discussion and action or sent to the membership for voting.
• Once approved the minutes will be distributed to the general membership by e-mail
and by publication in the newsletter.
4.3 Special Meetings
• The executive may call a Special meeting at any time.
• The members may call a Special meeting at any time by six members giving notice
to the full membership. A Chairperson and Secretary will be appointed, and minutes
taken. Any motions made that receive a 2/3 majority vote will be sent to the executive
for consideration and action.
Article 5 – Finance
5.1 The Financial Year of the Club shall commence on the 1st day of January and shall
conclude on the 31st day of December.
5.2 Banking: The funds of the Club shall be placed in a branch of any Canadian Chartered
Bank and administered by the Treasurer.
5.3 All cheques issued by the Club shall require the signature of the Treasurer and one
other officer (President, Vice-President, Secretary).
5.4 Donations to any outside organization, cause or any expense outside of the normal
operating budget exceeding $250.00 must be approved by the membership. The 2/3
majority vote rule will apply.
5.5 Should this Club remain inactive for a period of five years, or should its members
decide to dissolve the Club, all assets will be converted to cash and transferred by way
of a certified cheque to an agreed upon charity which has been proposed to the
membership and voted on with the majority ruling.
5.6 No officer or member of the Club shall receive any financial remuneration for his/her
service to the club.
5.7 Any expenses incurred by a club member for club purposes that have been approved
by the Executive will be reimbursed upon submission of a written request accompanied
by a receipt.
5.8 All committees will present to the Treasurer a budget for the current year. Only upon
written request will monies over the budgeted amount be released to a committee and
only after approval from the Executive.
Article 6 – Procedures
All meetings of the Club and its bodies, and all other matters of practice and procedures
not otherwise herein specified shall be governed by the Common Law Procedure of
Canada Robert's Rules of Order, current edition.
Code of Ethics
1 The breed standard approved by the Canadian Kennel Club will be the only
standard of excellence by which the English Springer Spaniel shall be judged.
2 No membership will be considered valid unless a signed membership/renewal
application is on file. It is the responsibility of each member to ensure that the
Treasurer receives a signed membership renewal form annually.
3 Member Conduct
Members of the ESSCC shall refrain from conduct that is prejudicial to the
best interests of the Club, its members or the English Springer Spaniel breed.
This includes but is not limited to, making unjustified derogatory comments,
direct or implied, about: a) The Club; b) An Official of the Club; c) another
Member or their dogs.
4 Breeding
• As the Canadian Kennel Club provides official recognition of the English Springer
Spaniel Club of Canada, the “ Code of Practices for Canadian Kennel Club Member
Breeders “ set forth by the CKC shall be the Breeder Code of Practice governing all
ESSCC members regardless of CKC membership. The complete document can be
sourced on the CKC website at:, under the heading “Breeding Dogs”.
• Members shall be discriminating in the sales of puppies and adult dogs, and also
concerned with the type of home in which they are placed. Therefore, no animal
shall be donated for raffles or giveaways, auctioned, sold or consigned to pet
stores or animal brokers, and no animal shall be sold at swap meets or flea markets.
• Members will make their best efforts to help any dog of their breeding for which a
new home must be found. Any dog needing a new home due to the owners inability
to care for said animal deserves our help whether on an individual basis or by referring
to associated Breed Clubs or rescue organizations who provide such services.
5 Revisions to the Code of Ethics may be moved by any member, by submitting the
proposed amendments to the secretary in writing. Proposed amendments must show
significant support by having the signatures of six(6) Regular Voting Members
attached. The secretary will then bring the proposed amendments to the Board of
Directors for consideration. Proposed amendments will then be submitted to the
members, along with the comments from the Board of Directors for consideration
and voting. The proposed amendments will be adopted by a two-thirds majority of
returned ballots of eligible voting members.
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Site design and maintained by Christine Remme