The English Springer Spaniel Club of Canada is always looking for new members who believe in the promotion and advancement of the English Springer Spaniel Breed. You do not need to be a breeder to join the club. In fact, many of our members are involved in other performance events with their Springers, such as obedience, rally, agility, tracking, pet therapy and field work – showing just how versatile this breed truly is.
To become a member of the ESSCC, candidates need to be sponsored by two voting members in good standing and the application must be accompanied by the appropriate membership fee. The sponsors have to have known the applicant for at least 6 (six) months prior to signing the application form. Candidates must fully comply with the club’s constitution and by-laws, particularly the Code of Ethics.
The English Springer Spaniel Club of Canada is always looking for new members who believe in the promotion and advancement of the English Springer Spaniel Breed. You do not need to be a breeder to join the club. In fact, many of our members are involved in other performance events with their Springers, such as obedience, rally, agility, tracking, pet therapy and field work – showing just how versatile this breed truly is.
To become a member of the ESSCC, candidates need to be sponsored by two voting members in good standing and the application must be accompanied by the appropriate membership fee. The sponsors have to have known the applicant for at least 6 (six) months prior to signing the application form. Candidates must fully comply with the club’s constitution and by-laws, particularly the Code of Ethics.
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Site Designed and Maintained by Christine Remme