English Springer Spaniel Club of Canada
Revised 2020
Succeeding in several diverse areas of endeavour takes a talented dog
and handler as well as a significant commitment of time and effort. This Versatility Award is intended to recognize those dogs and handlers that excel in a number of different dog-related disciplines. In most cases it will take a number of years to complete and for many it will become in essence, a lifetime achievement award.
The award should be possible for all Springers to achieve, whether Field or Bench bred, whether of show or pet quality. Therefore there is no mandatory title to be won and there are many different areas of achievement that may qualify for
the award. It is hoped that the award will stimulate interest from all Springer owners to explore other areas of participation/competition with their dogs.
As this is a Canadian award, only CKC titles will be used to determine eligibility. However, other titles may be listed on the award.
Membership in the English Springer Spaniel Club of Canada is a requirement as we wish to promote participation in the club. The awards will be presented yearly at the National Show. At the present time the awards are administered by Norma Schaffer and Karen Spalding.
Award Requirements
1. The ESSCC will recognize the following disciplines in which an English Springer Spaniel can earn titles to qualify for this award.
Agility Conformation Field Trials
Hunt Tests Obedience Pet Therapy
Rally Scent Detection Tracking
Trick Dog
2. The dog must have earned a title in a minimum of four of the recognized disciplines (Title defined as those awarded by the CKC – see appendix listing
3. The dog must have earned one of the following Level 3 titles: CH, OTCH, TCH, AGM, RM, MH, FC or AFC, SD
4. In addition the dog must earn one Level 2 title in a different discipline.
5. The dog must earn 2 additional titles, in different disciplines than those above, from any level.
The following conditions also apply to this award:
1. Titles earned in at least two of these categories must have been completed while the owner was a member in good standing with ESSCC.
(Application for membership does not constitute membership).
2. If the dog is owned by more than one individual, only one of the owners needs to be a member of the ESSCC.
3. Any disputes with respect to the interpretation of the requirements will be referred to the executive committee of the ESSCC for resolution. That
committee’s decision will be final.
Revised 2020
Obedience OTCH CDX CD
jumper, select and veteran classes designated with an S or V also included
Hunt tests MH SH JH / WS
Field Trials FC / AFC
Rally RM RX RA
Therapy minimum 75 visits/150hrs
Scent Detection SDM SDX SDA
( titles will only be recognized once the CKC has issued certificates)
Teams must earn a title in 4 different disciplines with 1 title from Level 3, 1 title from level 2 (in a different discipline) and the remaining 2 titles in different disciplines from any of the 3 levels. Titles defined as those awarded by CKC.
Application for ESSCC Versatile Springer Award
Deadline for application will be 3 months prior to the show date.
Send a photograph of your dog. We prefer an action photo but any clear picture is acceptable.
Please indicate the qualifying titles won by your dog and send a copy of the title
Certificate issued by CKC. For recognition of Therapy hours please send a copy of a log book or other record of service hours from the organization under whose auspices you work or a copy of the certificate granted by CKC. If you wish additional titles on the award (may be granted by another country) please send copies of these as well.
Send all documents to:
Karen Spalding Norma Schaffer
801 – 30th St. S.E., 2520 Hwy 97B S.E.,
Salmon Arm, B.C. or Salmon Arm, B.C.
V1E 1J5 V1E 1C3
phone (250) 833-4862 phone (250) 832-8319
[email protected] [email protected]
please contact either of the above if you have any questions.
Dog’s registered name___________________________________________
Succeeding in several diverse areas of endeavour takes a talented dog
and handler as well as a significant commitment of time and effort. This Versatility Award is intended to recognize those dogs and handlers that excel in a number of different dog-related disciplines. In most cases it will take a number of years to complete and for many it will become in essence, a lifetime achievement award.
The award should be possible for all Springers to achieve, whether Field or Bench bred, whether of show or pet quality. Therefore there is no mandatory title to be won and there are many different areas of achievement that may qualify for
the award. It is hoped that the award will stimulate interest from all Springer owners to explore other areas of participation/competition with their dogs.
As this is a Canadian award, only CKC titles will be used to determine eligibility. However, other titles may be listed on the award.
Membership in the English Springer Spaniel Club of Canada is a requirement as we wish to promote participation in the club. The awards will be presented yearly at the National Show. At the present time the awards are administered by Norma Schaffer and Karen Spalding.
Award Requirements
1. The ESSCC will recognize the following disciplines in which an English Springer Spaniel can earn titles to qualify for this award.
Agility Conformation Field Trials
Hunt Tests Obedience Pet Therapy
Rally Scent Detection Tracking
Trick Dog
2. The dog must have earned a title in a minimum of four of the recognized disciplines (Title defined as those awarded by the CKC – see appendix listing
3. The dog must have earned one of the following Level 3 titles: CH, OTCH, TCH, AGM, RM, MH, FC or AFC, SD
4. In addition the dog must earn one Level 2 title in a different discipline.
5. The dog must earn 2 additional titles, in different disciplines than those above, from any level.
The following conditions also apply to this award:
1. Titles earned in at least two of these categories must have been completed while the owner was a member in good standing with ESSCC.
(Application for membership does not constitute membership).
2. If the dog is owned by more than one individual, only one of the owners needs to be a member of the ESSCC.
3. Any disputes with respect to the interpretation of the requirements will be referred to the executive committee of the ESSCC for resolution. That
committee’s decision will be final.
Revised 2020
- Level 3 Level 2 Level 1
Obedience OTCH CDX CD
jumper, select and veteran classes designated with an S or V also included
Hunt tests MH SH JH / WS
Field Trials FC / AFC
Rally RM RX RA
Therapy minimum 75 visits/150hrs
Scent Detection SDM SDX SDA
( titles will only be recognized once the CKC has issued certificates)
Teams must earn a title in 4 different disciplines with 1 title from Level 3, 1 title from level 2 (in a different discipline) and the remaining 2 titles in different disciplines from any of the 3 levels. Titles defined as those awarded by CKC.
Application for ESSCC Versatile Springer Award
Deadline for application will be 3 months prior to the show date.
Send a photograph of your dog. We prefer an action photo but any clear picture is acceptable.
Please indicate the qualifying titles won by your dog and send a copy of the title
Certificate issued by CKC. For recognition of Therapy hours please send a copy of a log book or other record of service hours from the organization under whose auspices you work or a copy of the certificate granted by CKC. If you wish additional titles on the award (may be granted by another country) please send copies of these as well.
Send all documents to:
Karen Spalding Norma Schaffer
801 – 30th St. S.E., 2520 Hwy 97B S.E.,
Salmon Arm, B.C. or Salmon Arm, B.C.
V1E 1J5 V1E 1C3
phone (250) 833-4862 phone (250) 832-8319
[email protected] [email protected]
please contact either of the above if you have any questions.
Dog’s registered name___________________________________________
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Site Designed and Maintained by Christine Remme