English Springer Spaniel Health
The health and wellbeing of your dog will be among your major concerns as a new or prospective owner of an English Springer Spaniel. Taking the time to learn all you can about the health of your Springer is an important step toward a long, rewarding and healthy relationship. Reputable breeders are genuinely concerned about the wellbeing of the puppies and dogs they produce. They are an excellent source of information on the care and upbringing of your dog.
You should also have a basic understanding of the hereditary and breed - predisposed diseases of English Springer Spaniels. All living things can carry defective genes, and all breeds of dogs have diseases and genetic conditions that can be inherited. While most English Springer Spaniels lead healthy, happy lives and retain their vigor into old age, genetic-based disorders are not uncommon. Most hereditary disorders are not life-threatening and can be managed. However, some can cause pain and suffering to the dog, and expense and emotional distress to the owner. Even the best breeding program and the soundest of breeding stock can produce dogs with hereditary disorders. If you purchase your puppy from a responsible breeder and are knowledgeable about hereditary and breed-predisposed diseases, you will minimize the risk of health and genetic challenges.
The health and wellbeing of your dog will be among your major concerns as a new or prospective owner of an English Springer Spaniel. Taking the time to learn all you can about the health of your Springer is an important step toward a long, rewarding and healthy relationship. Reputable breeders are genuinely concerned about the wellbeing of the puppies and dogs they produce. They are an excellent source of information on the care and upbringing of your dog.
You should also have a basic understanding of the hereditary and breed - predisposed diseases of English Springer Spaniels. All living things can carry defective genes, and all breeds of dogs have diseases and genetic conditions that can be inherited. While most English Springer Spaniels lead healthy, happy lives and retain their vigor into old age, genetic-based disorders are not uncommon. Most hereditary disorders are not life-threatening and can be managed. However, some can cause pain and suffering to the dog, and expense and emotional distress to the owner. Even the best breeding program and the soundest of breeding stock can produce dogs with hereditary disorders. If you purchase your puppy from a responsible breeder and are knowledgeable about hereditary and breed-predisposed diseases, you will minimize the risk of health and genetic challenges.
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